A delightful and hilarious collection of letters from cats to their beloved humans, unveiling the inner thoughts and musings of our feline friends.
In this delightful and hilarious collection of letters penned by cats to their beloved humans, best-selling author and acclaimed pet behaviour counsellor, Vicky Halls, offers a peek into what your cat is really thinking, and why they do the curious things that they do.
From candid complaints about leftover chicken to perplexing explanations for toilet trouble, these illustrated letters reveal the antics, demands, and, of course, the unconditional love cats have for their human counterparts.
Whether decoding the mysteries of a tail twitch or unravelling the enigma behind the cardboard box obsession, this book is an absolute necessity for any owner seeking to unravel the inner-thoughts of their cat, one comical letter at a time.
Letters to the Human Race...from the Cat: Feline Frustrations about Inferior
Author: Vicky Halls
Pub Date: Nov 19th, 2024