Meet four magical friends who control the seasons in this irresistible new series from author-illustrator Jo Lindley.
Say hello to the Little Seasons!
As Summer passes the weather crown to Autumn, a season of bright colours and fun-filled adventure awaits.
But while his friends are getting excited about picking berries, leaf jumping and exploring the shadowy forest, Autumn is filled with worries and 'what if's . . .
What will it take to show him that he's braver than he thinks?
Meet four magical friends who control the seasons in this irresistible new series from author-illustrator Jo Lindley.
Each title centres on a different seasonal character and gently explores key social and emotional themes, such as anxiety, self-belief and resilience.
Set in an enchanting natural world that readers will love to return to again and again!
With a sparkling foil finish!
Hello Autumn (Best Friends with Big Feelings)
Author: Jo Lindley
Pub Date: Aug 27th, 2024